Look at all that dark hair! Everyone says it makes him look like me. For now, I can't tell that he overwhelmingly looks like Chris or me in particular...just a good blend of the two of us. He's perfect. :)
All bundled up to come home from the hospital...He looks so tiny in there!
OH! By the way - I had forgotten who it was that told me to push on my left side if his head got stuck, but it was Kathy! Genius woman! Probably saved me a lot of pain! It was really awkward, due to the f act that I was numb from the waist down, but it worked! THANK YOU, Kathy, for the wonderful advice!
Thanks, everybody, for the sweet comments and well wishes! We're doing well so far...exhausted, but very happy. :) I'll check in again soon!
- had this to say:
He is ADORABLE!! Glad you're doing well. And so happy that you were able to use some of my unsolicited advice! ;-)
Hope you're getting lots of rest. P.S. How is your gall bladder???- lorem ipsum had this to say:
He IS so sweet! Love love LOVE it!
And way to go, Kathy, and to you for remembering. How on earth did you do that?- cat had this to say:
He is beautiful and thanks for sharing your story with us all. Hope you are all doing well and having some great bonding time.
Agreed way to go Kathy for the advice. Putting that one in perm memory in case we need it.- Julian's Mom had this to say:
Soooooo cute, congratulations!
- Jillian had this to say:
Hey Mother Duck, I hope you re recovering ok from the birth and not too tired and emotional (yeah right!!). Just checking in to say I'm thinking of you guys and hoping you are having no dramas.
Have you had any issues with your milk trying to come in or has that been ok? Too many questions for a poor new mother, I'm sure!
Take care x