Monday, February 13, 2006
Two Weeks Notice
I'm back from the OB appt! Big news! They're going to deliver Andrew in TWO WEEKS!! I can't believe it! He's getting evicted! My BP was high (140/90) when sitting up, but perfectly fine when lying down, so I am officially out of school for the remainder of this pregnancy. Apparently, that will be just two more weeks! Chris and I are in a little bit of shock, even though we knew this was a very real possibility. Wow. I feel like I've just been told we really are having a I had kind-of thought this was just a really weird dream where I'd eventually wake up and there would be no baby. Or the doctor would eventually laugh at me and say, "Just kidding! We've been teasing you these past 8 months...You're not really pregnant!" But no, we're really having a baby. In two weeks. We have so much to do. I guess I have to make a list for Chris since I'm not allowed to do anything!This is crazy.
OK, gotta go lie down now...Chris is getting to be kind-of a bedrest nazi, which is good. :)