Monday, January 30, 2006
Happy Happy Joy Joy!
Yay! The NST went GREAT! Things look good and I've gained three pounds! Normally I would NOT be happy about gaining weight, but if it means Andrew is getting a little bit of it, then I'm pleased. :) Chris finally got to see lots of movement, which was cool. Andrew had hiccups, which was funny to see on the printout. I was hooked up for about 45 minutes, so by the time it was over Chris was bored* and my back was hurting. Next time I'm taking a pillow. They had the contraction monitor hooked up as well, but of course it was flatlined. Nothing going on there. Sigh. Oh well. Too early anyway, so that's OK. :)I go back next Monday for another NST and then on Wed. I go back to the high risk doc. I'm just hoping he says Andrew is looking chubbier and I can keep working. I'd love to stay home, but lying on my left side all day would get old FAST for me. Now if I could stay home from work but still do all the things I need to do, then that'd be another story...I'd be begging for him to take me off the job! But we need the money and its a good distraction for me. Makes the time go faster. :)
Anyway, just wanted to share the good report!
*ETA: I shouldn't say "Chris was bored." That sounds really bad. He was thrilled to hear the h/b, as always, and see my belly jump and jiggle with Andrew's hiccups. (The look on his face was priceless!) We were both just happy to see that things were looking good!