Just for the record: I adore Andrew and fall in love with him more and more every minute I'm around him. In fact, I'm only really happy when I'm with him. I could never think of hurting him but I could think of hurting myself. That's what freaks me out about all this.
- had this to say:
(((((hugs))))) I am so sorry about this. Yes, I believe you CAN get PPD at 5 mos. out. Your hormones are on a rollercoaster, so I am sure that's part of it. Call your doctor asap and tell them about this. Especially considering the conceivably hurting yourself part. I know you probably never really would, but just thinking about it is a HUGE sign of depression. I have dealt with depression all my life, and been in treatment for about 7 years. What you're experiencing can be treated, and you'll feel so much better for it. If you ever need to talk, feel free to email me kathy@mc-c.net
- Catherine had this to say:
Talk to your doctor. Don't try to self-diagnose. Please.