Monday, July 31, 2006
I Suck.

I am the suckiest pastor's wife ever. Chris and I just had a HUGE blow-up fight over nothing. Seriously, I don't even know what started it. I think he walked in here when I was checking my email or something crazy. I cussed and screamed at him, and I hate that. Andrew was right here in the room, too. I am a HORRIBLE mom. (See, this is the problem. I do really stupid stuff and then, instead of admitting it, forgiving myself and moving on, I keep beating myself up about it and convince myself that I'm a horrible person and mother, which makes me feel even worse...and the cycle goes on and on and on.) When I finally settled down, we talked and it was good. I told him how I feel like he doesn't respect me as much since I gave birth and quit working. I reminded him that just because a baby came out of my vagina doesn't mean my brain came right along, too. I told him that my perception is that he thinks I am not as intelligent or useful as before, since I'm no longer making money. Again, my perception alone...he's done nothing to make me feel this way; its my own psychotic-ness (is that a word?) just getting the best of me. Yes, we both tend to fight unfairly, and that's a big problem for us.

I wonder if I would be more sane if I went back to work. But I DON'T WANT TO!! We are both totally anti-daycare at this point (not judging anyone...just not something we want to do) and can't afford a nanny, so really, me working part-time is the only option right now. And there's ZERO part-time teaching jobs out there. We looked at the budget and it will be very tight, but we can make it. I just REALLY need to feel like I'm doing something of purpose. Andrew gives my life great purpose and I ADORE every minute with him, but I also need to get out of the house. But I want my home to be clean and orderly, too, and if I'm gone too much nothing will get done and I'll be even crazier. Right now, I wake up, take care of Andrew, clean/sweep/mop when he's napping (although lately - since I've been feeling so insane - I've been napping when he does), care for him when he wakes, and the cycle continues. I need some alone time, but I need some "girl time" too. I desperately need a friend or two.

I really just want to be sane and never, ever cuss at my husband again simply because he walked in the room.

Hmmmmmm. Yeah, I think I should call my doctor.

Blogger Sweet Coalminer had this to say:

You are not alone. It gets so much easier with a set schedule and some playdates when he gets older.

Being at home and being a mom are both huge adjustments. You're not a bad wife and you're certainly not a bad mom. You're just finding your (new) self. It's a struggle. It's a kind of identity crisis. And I know you'll come out stronger and happier on the other side, but you need to work it out.

Can you take a trip? I know our trip to Greece when Mimi was 5 months was a lifesaver for us.

I can't make a lot of suggestions because I hit the same wall. It does get easier, though, when he sits up on his own, starts crawling and interacting. Trips to the park are so much more fun.



Blogger Anna had this to say:

Thanks, girls...I appreciate it. I really hope I get out of this funk soon. I definitely have to find some kind of Mom's Club and get involved...especially now that Andrew is interacting more and staying awake for longer periods. I love being a mom, but it really has changed me. SC - you're right: its a HUGE adjustment and a MAJOR identity crisis. Thanks for the encouraging words...


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Keeping the Faith

This is me, sharing my journey through struggling to conceive, surviving miscarriage, and, finally, receiving the greatest blessing ever...the gift of a healthy, beautiful little boy.

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I'm a Christian. My husband is my very best friend. After much turmoil, including two miscarriages, our family is now complete with our handsome son and beautiful daughter!

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