The kids at school have been asking why I'm wearing these weird wristbands and eating so many little snacks during the day. I had to spill the beans...Couldn't help myself. They are all so very excited, but it makes me nervous because last time I got preggo, I told the kids and lost the baby three days later. I would HATE to have to go back and do that AGAIN. But, things are going really well as far as I can tell, so I'm being positive and optimistic that this one will be OK. I'm trusting that God is in control no matter what, and that's hard for me 'cause I am SUCH a control freak. Sigh. OK, off to lie down on the couch now.
- had this to say:
Glad the sea bands are working! I know what you mean about telling people and then being scared about "untelling". I was so paranoid at the beginning that I was going to jinx my pregnancy that I would almost have panic attacks each time I told another person our news. You have a wonderful attitude about it, and I am sure things are going to be great!