Reasons everything will be fine and we'll see a healthy baby on the u/s screen:
1.) No spotting/bleeding/anything since getting that BFP.
2.) Morning sickness, extreme fatigue, gassiness, bloating...all the symptoms you can think of!
3.) Seven BFPs over the last 3 weeks can't be wrong.
4.) My miscarriage happened very early last time...I never got close to this far along and never had symptoms like this! This is a different pregnancy which will have very different results!
OK, I feel better. Deep breath in, deep breath out.
- had this to say:
Good luck, Anna! I will be thinking of you. I know it's scary. Just breathe...
- Jillian had this to say:
As I am reading this post Annie is playing on the TV (for the millionth time!) for my's gotta be a sign!
You'll do fine and I am thinking of you and sending you love and support as you wait to see your beautiful healthy baby on the screen (((HUGS!)))