Thursday, August 11, 2005
Return of the Vomit & Other Sad News

Yep, vomit. That's about how my day went today. Yuck yuck yuck. I was up at 2 am, then at 4 am, then at 6 am and threw up each time. Then I gagged again on my toothbrush and threw up some more. Yay. I thought this was getting better! I haven't thrown up in a couple of weeks, and yesterday was a really good day physically...So weird. I stopped at the gas station by my school this morning and got a slush puppy, which helped to settle my stomach. I felt good until after lunch...but maybe that was the school lunch that got to me. Oh well.

My mom said that her morning/afternoon/evening sickness went away at 12 weeks. This is one time I truly hope and pray that I will take after her. (Normally I don't want to be compared to my mom...I mean, I love her and she's wonderful, but...very high maintenance.) Anyway, a little more than 2 weeks and I'll know if 12 weeks is the magic turning point or not.

I just need to keep repeating to myself, "This will all be worth it. This will all be worth it. This will all be worth it. "


OK, different topic now. A girl who used to be part of the buddy group I'm in on the TTC after Loss board on FF had her baby last week. She hasn't been around our buddy group in a LONG time, but we would all check in with her to see how things were going. Anyway, she had a little girl...she thinks. The baby was born with enlarged genitalia that could be either a penis or a clitoris, ovaries and a uterus, 40 XY chromosomes, and 10 X chromosomes "just floating around in her body." She is freaked out. She has no idea if she should raise the baby as a girl or a boy, and honestly feels cheated. Does she call the baby Emily? Does she dress her in little pink dresses and let her sleep in her pink nursery??
She and her husband are having to go to specialists across the country who deal with this kind of thing so they can advise them on what to do about the "sexual assignment." WOW. How crazy is that?!?! I mean, its enough stress just trying to get a healthy baby here...and I know the worrying does not stop once the baby is born, but to go through all this??? To have to put "unknown" as the sex of the baby on the birth certificate? I can't imagine going through what she's going through right now. I feel so bad for her. If you are the praying kind, please send some up for her, her husband, and her baby.

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Well, not that I am glad that you don't feel good, but I am glad you're sick. It's a great sign, and I hope it means that all is well with your little one.

I am so sorry to hear about the FF buddy. I can't imagine what she must be going through. Very tough situation. :(


Blogger Julie had this to say:

I am so sorry to hear about your buddy on FF. How sad!! I will definately keep them in my prayers.

Glad your pg signs are making themselves known!!


Blogger Roxanne had this to say:

How very confusing for her. I am so sorry that she's going through this, and I hope she finds some answers.

For you...I am glad that you are sick. Good sign! Go barf a lot!


Blogger laura had this to say:

i hope your barfing is over! and i hope your friends can relax about "gender assignment" until the child figures it out for him/herself. from everything i've read, the child usually asserts as one gender or the other fairly early - maybe as a toddler or preschooler - and it's healthiest to let them tell you. i know it's easier for me to say it than for anyone to do that, though.

while we're on the subject, one of the best books i've read in years is the novel "middlesex" by jeffrey eugenides. i highly recommend it.


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Keeping the Faith

This is me, sharing my journey through struggling to conceive, surviving miscarriage, and, finally, receiving the greatest blessing ever...the gift of a healthy, beautiful little boy.

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Location: Smalltown, Georgia, United States

I'm a Christian. My husband is my very best friend. After much turmoil, including two miscarriages, our family is now complete with our handsome son and beautiful daughter!

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