1. Go into your archives.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence along with these instructions.
5. Tag five people to do the same.
OK, here goes. The post was written on June 4 and the sentence goes like this: "I took a long bath and cried my heart out, and Chris was so sweet..."
The whole post was about how I had gotten my period that day and was feeling VERY down on myself thinking I was incredibly defective. Ironically, this was the first day of my LMP before getting pregnant. WEIRD.
OK, so now I have to tag five people....Hmmm...OK, I tag Jill, Laura, Roxanne, Julie, and Kori.
This should be interesting! :)
- lorem ipsum had this to say:
You know, I'm starting to think this isn't such a good idea... some 23/5 lines are benign, but others are so fraught with emotion I think I've upset some people when they've taken me up on it.
I'm glad you're pregnant now and so have a good outcome to that last period!