Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Warning...Pregnancy Post!

Ohhh...I have been so lucky not to have any kind of nausea or vomiting in about 2 weeks. Well, it hit me again this afternoon. Yuck. What is that about?? I gagged on something and completely lost my lunch. I know you were dying to know that.

I'm 14 and a half weeks now. Its almost surreal. I actually caught myself looking at nursery sets on the Babies R Us website today and thought, "What are you doing?!" Such cute stuff, though. I can't wait to find out what we're having. I have been trying to decide between Classic Pooh stuff or something more gender-specific. The thing that makes me want Classic Pooh (besides my LOVE for Pooh) is that its gender-neutral and I can most likely use it again for other children (should we be blessed enough to be able to procreate again one day). But then I see all the cute boy stuff and all the cute girlie stuff and it makes me want to go all-out for our son or daughter. Sigh. Maybe we'll see a big penis on the ultrasound screen on Friday and we can KNOW its a boy. I'm hoping so, anyway!

My preggo hormones are making me completely crazy. I cried and cried and cried on Sunday, then all week I have been SO pissy with the kids at school. We're doing standardized testing this week and both the kids and teachers are exhausted and SO tired of it. My group of kids kept groaning and sighing and asking, "Are we done yet?" and I about lost it. I'm just pissy. I come home and I am SO TIRED I just want to go to sleep. Nothing else, just lay on the couch. Maybe watch Survivor Africa reruns, but that's about all. What kind of mother am I going to be?

I don't know if Chris will WANT to procreate again if this is how pregnancy is going to be...

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Don't feel too bad about losing it. I lost it today and went ballistic on my son. I think he saw fire shoot right out of my eyes. And it was over something pretty stupid. Pregnancy hormones suck. I blame EVERYTHING on them. Retail baby therapy is good. Go to shop and just breathe.


Blogger laura had this to say:

justin and i had that talk today, too, about whether we even want to try to get pregnant again after this one, as miserable as i've been. it sucks.


Blogger Jillian had this to say:

I have to say that women forget the misery of pregnancy faster than the men which is odd considering they were not the ones who physically DID it!

As for crib set etc... I love pooh stuff (the stories bore me to tears but the merchandise is nice!!) and yes, it is gender neutral, but if you are going to find out the gender than you can just keep 'researching' until you have a definite answer.

I like to have a new crib set for each child as it is possible that they may gain a lifetime freaky blankie attachment that will require new sets anyway. And it kind of differenciates each kid in your memory too.

Point is, you could go gender specific that way you get to shop for the next one too!!


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Keeping the Faith

This is me, sharing my journey through struggling to conceive, surviving miscarriage, and, finally, receiving the greatest blessing ever...the gift of a healthy, beautiful little boy.

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Location: Smalltown, Georgia, United States

I'm a Christian. My husband is my very best friend. After much turmoil, including two miscarriages, our family is now complete with our handsome son and beautiful daughter!

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