Anyway, other than my trying to breathe, not much else fun is going on here. My BIL is being sent home from Afghanistan for good. I would be celebrating but he's in a lot of trouble and has to fix his marriage because of a stupid mistake he made while overseas, so mostly I just pray that he and his wife can reconcile and make a fresh start.
Oh, and Chris & I went to eat Mexican food with some friends after church today. Bad idea. Its been like 12 weeks since I ate Mexican and it made me so sick, so I was thinking maybe it was just 1st trimester queasiness and now I'd be fine trying it. I had a timy bit of cheese dip and one taco. Pretty soon after we get home, it all came back up. GROSS. So, I guess Mexican food really is out for the whole pregnancy. I was so hoping I was done with the throwing up. Oh well.
Yawn. I am so boring. Sorry about that. I'll try to think of more interesting things to blog about this week. I'll be home on Fall Break so maybe I'll watch a bunch of CNN and FoxNews and perhaps find something newsworthy to blab about. :)
- Kathy McC had this to say:
I am sorry you're so stuffed up! If it's allergies, try Tavist 12 hour. It works great and is safe. As far as cold meds, not sure what to try. I have found that Zicam nose swabs really help lessen the symptoms and make the cold go away a lot faster. Hope you feel better soon.