Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Good night, Baby B

We lost the baby. I went for an ultrasound today due to some very light spotting I had yesterday, and there was a beautiful, perfect little baby there...but no heartbeat. Baby B measured 9 weeks (so he/she must have died right around Christmas...great). Apparently my body just didn't know it...still doesn't apparently, since there's no bleeding or anything going on.

I'm in shock and blaming myself. I keep thinking maybe its because I was not that excited about being pregnant, or because I was sad when I thought about Andrew not getting to be the only one. Chris and I are just heartbroken. I go back to the doctor on Monday to see what to do about it all. Maybe I'll miscarry between now and then. If not, I'll have to get a D&C.

God, this sucks.

Blogger Sara had this to say:


I have been having problems posting, so I hope this works. I am so, so sorry that this has happened. I was hoping we hadn't heard from you for a few days just because you were busy. Having a miscarriage is truly the most heartbreaking experience and I think all of mine forever changed the way I look at children, at life, and Ainsley. I am praying for you and your family and if you need anything, please let me know. I am always here for you!


Blogger Julie had this to say:

Oh Anna, I am so sorry. I know what it's like to blame yourself (when I had my m/c it was my first pg, and I was freaked out by being pg, and not exactly excited) but that is NOT why this happened. I have no idea why it did, but I am so sorry you have to go through this. I am thinking of you and keeping you and your family in my prayers.


Blogger Catherine had this to say:

Oh Anna. I'm so very sorry. Please know that you are in my thoughts (and prayers, for what they're worth these days).


Blogger Lori had this to say:

A lurker here offering many ((((hugs)))) and lots of prayers. I'm so, so, sorry for your loss.


Blogger Inge had this to say:


I too am a lurker from the March FF site. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope in time you will realize that you are not to blame for this. Nothing you did, or didn't do, caused the loss of this precious baby. I wish you peace and healing.



Blogger Jessica had this to say:

I am so sorry... Nothing to say... except praying.


Blogger Sweet Coalminer had this to say:

I am so so so sorry.


Blogger JoyFilled had this to say:

You know I'm praying, Anna. I'm so sorry you're going through this again. I don't know why so many of us have to suffer through multiple losses...but I'm praying that God gives you the strength and courage to get through this.


Blogger Becci had this to say:

So sorry. Catherine sent me.
(((hugs))) and prayers.


Blogger Clare had this to say:

I'm so sorry. This is so unfair.


Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

Anna, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I didn't even know you were pregnant. :-( I wish I had some words of wisdom...Please email me if you need to talk. I know what you're going through.



Blogger graphix_girl had this to say:

I'm so sorry for your loss. You're in my thoughts.


Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

So sorry too. The same thing happened to me with my second pregnancy :(

I hope your D&C is painless and quick and that you heal fast.

X Artblog


Blogger msfitzita had this to say:

Oh Anna...

I'm so very, very sorry. I wish no one had to know this pain and I'm just heartbroken that you do.

Please know I'm thinking of you and hoping you find peace. Take good care of yourself.



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Keeping the Faith

This is me, sharing my journey through struggling to conceive, surviving miscarriage, and, finally, receiving the greatest blessing ever...the gift of a healthy, beautiful little boy.

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Location: Smalltown, Georgia, United States

I'm a Christian. My husband is my very best friend. After much turmoil, including two miscarriages, our family is now complete with our handsome son and beautiful daughter!


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