Good grief, I am such a nutcase. I should be HAPPY that the nausea is starting to subside, especially since everything I read says its normal for it to lessen around this time. But I was strangely comforted by the ever-present sick feeling and now that its not here, of course my mind goes places it simply should not. If/when Chris reads about these new fears he will truly think I'm completely nuts. I know I am, though, and I'm OK with that.
I do have some symptoms remaining...My boobs are still sore, though, I'm practically OOZING CM (gross!!), and I'm very tired, so I guess I will have to let those facts comfort me.
Sigh. Thank God I go for my next OB appt on Monday. I plan to shed a few tears and play the sympathy card to get another ultrasound in case one is not already planned.
- Jillian had this to say:
Oh Anna, you poor thing ((hugs)). I KNOW how scary it is to have your symptoms lessen. I was no where near as sick with dd2 as I was with dd1 and it freaked me out a little and I hadn't even had a loss back then.
You play the emotional nutter on Monday and get yourself that u/s! It'll be fine though, I'm sure of it:)- lorem ipsum had this to say:
God. I hope it's nothing.
I drank a bottle of wine last night and I woke up around three feeling a little nauseated. Maybe you should try that.
Oh wait... pregnant. Never mind.
Keep us posted and THINK POSITIVE!
xoxox- had this to say:
If it makes you feel better, I had a WHOLE week where I didn't feel sick at all. It was at 9 weeks. I was such a basket case that I had another ultrasound. Sure enough, everything was fine. Then at 10 weeks, I started to feel sick again, and now at 24 weeks I am STILL throwing up. I hope all is well.
- Jillian had this to say:
Good luck at the appointment today - I'll be waiting to hear about it:)
Don't forget, cry to get your u/s ;)