Friday, August 19, 2005
No More Nausea?!?!

OK, I need to just relax and be happy. I have been so miserably sick this whole time, and this week on FF it says that this (10 weeks) is the time when nausea starts to subside a little, but now that I have not had any nausea for two days I am a little worried. I even left the SeaBands at home yesterday and today, and nothing. Does this mean the baby is dying? Are my HCG levels dropping? What's wrong? Or is everything just fine?
Good grief, I am such a nutcase. I should be HAPPY that the nausea is starting to subside, especially since everything I read says its normal for it to lessen around this time. But I was strangely comforted by the ever-present sick feeling and now that its not here, of course my mind goes places it simply should not. If/when Chris reads about these new fears he will truly think I'm completely nuts. I know I am, though, and I'm OK with that.
I do have some symptoms remaining...My boobs are still sore, though, I'm practically OOZING CM (gross!!), and I'm very tired, so I guess I will have to let those facts comfort me.

Sigh. Thank God I go for my next OB appt on Monday. I plan to shed a few tears and play the sympathy card to get another ultrasound in case one is not already planned.

Blogger Jillian had this to say:

Oh Anna, you poor thing ((hugs)). I KNOW how scary it is to have your symptoms lessen. I was no where near as sick with dd2 as I was with dd1 and it freaked me out a little and I hadn't even had a loss back then.

You play the emotional nutter on Monday and get yourself that u/s! It'll be fine though, I'm sure of it:)


Blogger lorem ipsum had this to say:

God. I hope it's nothing.

I drank a bottle of wine last night and I woke up around three feeling a little nauseated. Maybe you should try that.

Oh wait... pregnant. Never mind.

Keep us posted and THINK POSITIVE!



Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

If it makes you feel better, I had a WHOLE week where I didn't feel sick at all. It was at 9 weeks. I was such a basket case that I had another ultrasound. Sure enough, everything was fine. Then at 10 weeks, I started to feel sick again, and now at 24 weeks I am STILL throwing up. I hope all is well.


Blogger Jillian had this to say:

Good luck at the appointment today - I'll be waiting to hear about it:)

Don't forget, cry to get your u/s ;)


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Keeping the Faith

This is me, sharing my journey through struggling to conceive, surviving miscarriage, and, finally, receiving the greatest blessing ever...the gift of a healthy, beautiful little boy.

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