Sunday, November 06, 2005
22 weeks & other stuff

Wow, I almost forgot that I'm another week preggo now! Woohoo! Feeling movement has been such a relief. Now I'm just worried that it will STOP. The stress never ends.

Last night at around 6 pm, Chris' mom and stepdad called to say they were coming to visit! They decided to take a spur-of-the-moment road trip just to get away. We rushed home from our early dinner with our friend, cleaned the house, and waited for them to arrive. They arrived around 10 pm and we ended up staying up talking until about midnight. We slept a little later this morning, ended up sitting around talking and missing church, then went to eat at Huddle House this afternoon. They left to continue their road trip, and now we're home. I'm doing laundry and Chris is playing with his XBOX. Ah, how exciting my life is. Well, actually some interesting conversations were had today...

My MIL brought me this beautiful little figuring of a man & woman holding their newborn baby. I love it, but at the same time, I'm kinda nervous still about what could happen between now and March. I'd been doing so much better about dealing with all that fear and anxiety, but seeing that (plus all the baby stuff my SIL sent with them to give to me) made me a little nervous. I mean, should we be so confident? I guess its pretty rare for anything to happen past 20 weeks, but it still can and it makes me a little scared for people to actually be giving me stuff.

We talked a lot about how my BIL (who just got back from Afghanistan) and his wife are doing. In case you don't remember, my BIL had an 8-month affair with an enlisted woman who was stationed in Afghanistan with him. It began about a month after he left home and ended just before he came home. He didn't confess until it ended and, I believe, only because Lindsey (SIL) had just been to visit him for 2 weeks and he felt guilty. Oh, and his commanding officer caught him and the girl and wrote him up for it, therefore ending any chance of a promotion. (The army is apparently very strict about inappropriate relationships between soldiers.) ANYWAY, my MIL kept saying how angry my SIL was and how mean she's being to Timmy and how he's repented and needs to be forgiven, but personally, I would be PISSED if Chris had done this to me. He'd probably be a dead man. No, he'd definitely be a dead man. I can totally empathize with my SIL and I understand her anger. I respect her for staying with him and I'm so glad she's making the effort, but to me it just seems obvious that she's going to be dealing with a lot of emotions for a LONG time. This is not going to just go away overnight. You can forgive, but forgetting is HARD to do. Especially in a situation like this.

Anyway...Just another fun visit with the in-laws. Sometimes I feel like I live in a soap opera or something, and sometimes I feel very boring.

Well, off to do more laundry.

Blogger lorem ipsum had this to say:

I think your BIL is paying, big time. Besides the guilt, he lost his promotion and has to deal with the wrath of his family. Good for him and your SIL for working through this.


Blogger Amanda had this to say:

I'm 22 weeks now too! It's amazing we've made it this far already! I hope you can find some peace with your pregnancy before March. I cannot imagine going through a pregnancy constantly worried. I'm so sorry you are dealing with those feelings. Hang in there!


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Keeping the Faith

This is me, sharing my journey through struggling to conceive, surviving miscarriage, and, finally, receiving the greatest blessing ever...the gift of a healthy, beautiful little boy.

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Location: Smalltown, Georgia, United States

I'm a Christian. My husband is my very best friend. After much turmoil, including two miscarriages, our family is now complete with our handsome son and beautiful daughter!

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