Thursday, November 03, 2005
Sick & Tired
Well, about midnight last night, Chris and I both woke up throwing up. It was AWFUL. I guess its a stomach bug going around the school or something...Also, I had the worst pain I've ever felt in my life last night. It was horrible cramping that went straight across my chest, right under my lungs. I asked the doc about it and she said its probably just really bad gas. Oh, great. She said everything is so squished in there with my uterus growing so much, that it just feels higher and more painful than normal. It was seriously painful. I kept telling Chris how I'm definitely going to get an epidural ASAP when I go into labor. :)I was a bit worried about the baby with all this craziness last night, but he's kicking away this morning, so I guess he's all right. Probably hungry, but OK. The upchucking finally stopped about 6 am, so of course I did not go to work today. Chris went in at 6:30 am but is home now. He just couldn't do it. I've been drinking Sprite and cuddling with my kitties and puppy all morning. Now I'm going to try to eat a PB&J sandwich and see if that stays down. Wish me luck!
- lorem ipsum had this to say:
Hope the two (three?) of you feel better soon!
- Jillian had this to say:
Ooh, yucky! Feel better soon, you poor things!
- laura had this to say:
feel better!