Saturday, November 05, 2005
Oh, quit your whining!

**Warning! Total tirade to follow. Hope I don't offend...

Its been a totally lazy Saturday around here. Nice. Last night, after whining about the stupid teacher who's trying to make me miserable at school, Chris and I decided to finally finish watching "Saved!" It was really good. There were a couple of things I disagreed with, but overall I really enjoyed the movie. I thought they did a really good job of portraying the self-righteous Christian who ignores their own flaws and the basic needs of other people and focuses solely on what THEY think is best for the person. I'm thinking about the whole scene with Cassandra in the mall where she was obviously drunk or high (or both) in particular, when Hilary Faye says she obvioulsy needs Jesus, and Mary says, "No, she needs a ride home." Mary was so right. Too often I see people talking about sharing Jesus with people in need, and totally ignoring their physical needs. I mean, if a person is starving and homeless, they're not going to give a rip about how "Jesus can save them from Hell." They want a hot meal and a warm bed. Take care of those needs first, then maybe they'll be open when you try to share Jesus with them. Too many people have it backwards. Oh, and about the whole homosexuality issue (thinking about how the school in the movies tried to get Mary's gay ex-boyfriend to leave and stay away from his prom)...Regardless on how you or I feel about it, and whether or not you or I think its a sin, gay people are still HUMAN and deserve to be treated as such. It makes me so angry when "Christians" go on tirades about how homosexuality is wrong and how "these people are heathens who are going to burn in hell for their abomination." I mean, God loves EVERYONE. No exceptions. If you think homosexuality is wrong and that its a sin, do you really think you'll get them to see things your way and change their lifestyles by cursing them and turning them away or acting like they have some weird disease? I mean, come on! If you read the New Testament, you'll see that Jesus was always hanging around and welcoming the homosexuals, prostitutes, thieves, AND so-called "righteous" people to hang out with him. He didn't push anyone away, and neither should we (as Christians). Seems obvious to me, but I guess its not that clear to lots of Christians out there. Ugh. I get so frustrated by people who've turned Christianity into something reprehensible.

Anyway, I certainly didn't mean to turn this post into a tirade, but there ya go. Blame the hormones, the bad week I had...whatever. I really did enjoy the movie and I'm glad we bought it. :) Now I'm off to have lunch with some friends. I guess this means I should change out of my PJs...

Blogger lorem ipsum had this to say:

Thank you! That was very thoughtful.

Today my husband picked up a newspaper section that had a picture of some local 'Christian rappers' on it and said, 'This is what I don't like about living here. All the Jesus B.S.' But f I'm not offended at all by (supposed) gangster (sorry, gangsta) rappers who find Jesus, because they know the culture they've turned away from. It's not something that they have no clue about and latch onto because it's good for their social standing or it's what their boss is into or it's trendy to go to the megachurch.

In fact, I'd rather go to one of their shows, because they put thought into their message and seem sincere. It's not Jesus' fault so many of his followers are jerks.


Blogger Jillian had this to say:

What I'm wondering is why so many Chirstians trot out the Old testament to support their biggotry (or whatever other negative behaviour it supports) when as far as I was told, Jesus came to over rule all that stuff to teach kindness and tolerance. And if you are Christian then Jesus is the guy you want to follow - so why hark back to Leviticus & friends to justify hatred? Well I guess that's the answer. They hate and need to justify it but the New testament is what they should be following isn't it?

All I can say is that it is a good thing people like you and Chris work in a capacity to teach what Jesus did and that we should strive to do the same. I just think that where people aren't harming others then who are we to take on God's role as judge in all this?

Boy, there are more questions than answers aren't there?


Blogger lorem ipsum had this to say:

Don't worry, Jill. They also like to use select words from Paul to justify hatred. And that's in the NT.


Blogger laura had this to say:

some historians think our dear sainted paul was gay - that his homosexuality was the "thorn in the flesh" to which he refers. maybe it's because he was always finding a new, younger man to take with him on each of his trips. hmmm.

but that's not why i'm here. i just wanted to say that if more christians had your perspective, christianity would hold much more appeal for me.


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Keeping the Faith

This is me, sharing my journey through struggling to conceive, surviving miscarriage, and, finally, receiving the greatest blessing ever...the gift of a healthy, beautiful little boy.

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