Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Ah, the holidays...

Sigh. I can't get an appt with the endocrinologist (to discuss the plan for dealing with the GD) until JAN. 16!! Does anyone else think its weird that they're going to let me go four more weeks with GD doing NOTHING about it? Grrr. I am SO talking to my OB on Monday. Maybe she can pull some strings and get me in earlier...or at the minimum tell me what I can and cannot eat! Maybe check my blood sugar? Sheesh.

ANYWAY. Christmas vacation is coming and I am SO excited. Friday will be the last day for us until Jan. 9! Woohoo! Three weeks off! :) We actually have teacher work days on Jan. 5-6 but without the kids there, its basically like a vacation. This is the first year we're actually staying home and not traveling on Christmas day. Chris' job is keeping him here this year, so my mom and stepdad are coming to visit us. After the fun time I had with my dad and stepmom over Thanksgiving, I'm not sure how much I am actually looking forward to this. Oh well. This weekend we're going to see Chris' family in Alabama and do the whole Christmas thing with them. While we're there, he's marrying his cousin and her husband (again). He's an ordained minister, so he can do that. :) I think this is the third time they've gotten married...Married, divorced, married, divorced, now married again. I think that's right. It may have been just one divorce from this particular guy...the other marriage and divorce may have been a different guy. Wait, yeah, I think it was a different guy. The father of her new baby. Yeah, BIG soap opera there...long story. So, it should be a very interesting weekend. Oh, and all the wonderful food they'll have. I love good southern cooking...not that I can eat any of it. :( I hope I can find something. Probably can't even eat the veggies, though, because of all the butter that'll be on 'em. Guess I should definitely pack the Demorall. (Yes, the surgeon said I could take Demorall when I have an attack! Finally something that might actually come close to helping this pain! Yes!)

No more attacks as of today, which is good. I'm not cheating, and trying to watch my carbs and sugars (not that I know my limit for each meal or anything), and I'm drinking a gallon of water a day. (Yes, as a matter of fact I AM in the bathroom twenty times a day.) Other than my fun health issues, life is good. Feeling good, Christmas break is coming, baby kicking...yeah, life is good. :)

Blogger lorem ipsum had this to say: has several books about managing gestational diabetes. It might be worth it to order one - go for it!


Blogger Jillian had this to say:

Good southern cooking sounds like the ultimate in torture for someone in your position!

Other than that I hope you have a nice time in Alabama. I swear, I am so hungry all the time I WISH I could come and help you eat your share!!


Blogger Cat, Galloping had this to say:

that's ridiculous that they won't see you for so long. sounds to me like a moron at the reception desk-- i am SURE that your OB and the endocrinologist would NOT want you to wait that long. call back and try again for an appointment-- i'd think they'd want to see you this week. if you can't get in, don't wait till monday to call your OB for help getting in or for a referral to someone else. i don't mean to be an alarmist or to give unwanted advice, but i don't think GD is something you want to fool around with... you really need to understand it, and not from a book or the internet, but to know directly how it applies to YOU.


Blogger lorem ipsum had this to say:

I just suggested the book for something in the meantime while you're waiting, since everyone seems to be 'on vacation' and can't seem to find the time to see you. It's something.


Blogger cat had this to say:

I hope they see you much sooner. Will be thinking of you and hoping for the best.

You may be able to get some preliminary info over the phone if you pressure them. They work for you!


Blogger Catherine had this to say:

I have been so absent from your did you fall off my links list? hmmm...I bet it was when I was messing around with blogrolling. grrr!


GD is really a big concern in the last month of pregnancy. That's when all the essential functions have developed already in the baby and the body fat starts to pile on. So, no, it's not too strange to have to wait to see the endo.

That being said, however, you CAN start to watch your diet now. I think I remember the general diet is 30g of carbs at breakfast, 45g of carbs for lunch and dinner, and 15g of carbs at each of three snacks during the day. The idea is to prevent wild fluctuations in your blood sugar levels. Keep them reasonable and steady.

And if you're not comfortable with waiting, your doctor's office should listen to you. If they're not willing to listen to your concerns and answer your questions then you need to raise a little bit of a stink.


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Keeping the Faith

This is me, sharing my journey through struggling to conceive, surviving miscarriage, and, finally, receiving the greatest blessing ever...the gift of a healthy, beautiful little boy.

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