Saturday, December 10, 2005

Thanks, girls. Once again, you've reminded me that its OK. (And Tina, yes, you were the "one girl" I was referring to. When I heard the word "referral" I immediately thought of your post about having to go see a new doc! I'm just so glad your appt went well and it doesn't seem as bad as I'm thinking it is!!) I guess its the not knowing that is the worst part, and the internet has such scary information on it...all this stuff about stillbirth. I know that's the worst-case scenario with GD left ignored and untreated, but still...very scary. I guess, until I talk to the new doc, I can only watch my diet and do my best. I have no idea how he's going to want me to check my blood sugar, or what is an appropriate result. I hate needles, and I assume its going to involve needles. Who knows. Like I said, its the not knowing that's freaking me out a little. I just have so many questions. I hope this new doc can get me in soon!

I go to the surgeon on Monday and will know more then about the gallbladder thing. Wish me luck! Now that I'm dealing with THREE things (gallbladder issues, GD and high BP), I'm not so against immediate surgery, if it'll take care of one of those issues. Of course, only if there's absolutely no threat to Andrew.

The up side: At least I'm now 6 months along (3rd trimester! Wow!)...Only 3 months to deal with all this! :)

Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

So sorry to hear you're going through so much with the gallbladder and the GD. I also know how nervous and scared you are at this point. Your little boy will be here very the mean time I wish you peace and healing.


Blogger JoyFilled had this to say:

Congrats on the 3rd tri Anna! m


Blogger lorem ipsum had this to say:

I have a feeling this boy is coming out early.


Blogger Anna had this to say:

Thanks, girls...Eve, I'm with you. I have a feeling he's going to come early rather than late. Maybe I will know more after my next OB appt (Dec 19).


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Keeping the Faith

This is me, sharing my journey through struggling to conceive, surviving miscarriage, and, finally, receiving the greatest blessing ever...the gift of a healthy, beautiful little boy.

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Location: Smalltown, Georgia, United States

I'm a Christian. My husband is my very best friend. After much turmoil, including two miscarriages, our family is now complete with our handsome son and beautiful daughter!

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