But now, the kicker...my glucose screen came back ABNORMAL. I have to go for the 3-hr test. I'm going to have to take a day off work so I can go in the morning and get this done. Grrr. High blood pressure, gall stones, possible GD...How much more can I take??
OK, off to google GD, hypertension, and gall stones now. I'll be back to whine more later, after I'm completely freaked out by the internet info I'm sure I'll find. Sigh.
- lorem ipsum had this to say:
DO NOT PANIC. Plenty of people fail the initial glucose test, then do fine on the three-hour one (Roxanne comes to mind). So please don't freak out!
- Anna had this to say:
Thanks for the reminder, E. I appreciate it. I'm breathing a little easier now that I've seen how many women really DO fail the 1-hr and pass the 3-hr.
Breathe in, breathe out...I'm OK now. :) Thanks!!!!!!!!- had this to say:
I am sorry you're going through all of this. (((hugs)))
- laura had this to say:
my sister failed the one-hour and then came back with flying colors, too. but this stuff always seems to come flying at us in clusters, doesn't it? i hope your gall bladder chills out for a while.
- Jillian had this to say:
Never rains but pours right? But what they said - no panicking. All of these things can be treated and controlled and with proper attention Andrew will get here when and as he was always meant to. I've had two pregnancies with added spicy bits and both my girls arrived strong and healthy:) It'll be fine:)
- cat had this to say:
Crap is right Anna. Hoping you are ok and that this will work out. It will be ok and we are out here rooting for you.