Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Clean House!

Yay! My house is finally clean! I have scrubbed and scrubbed, and now it is presentable. Of course, with the cats climbing on everything and the dog shedding as she does, there will be some to touch-up tomorrow before the fam arrives, but that's OK. Looks like they will arrive around 1:00 pm or so, then we'll go to my OB appt at 2 pm and maybe do a little shopping. :) One thing I'm determined to do is discuss this horrible pain I've been having. The more I ask about it and read about it, the more I think it might actually be my gallbladder. That sucks. I'm trying to avoid greasy foods, but its still happening and getting more intense and more frequent. My mom had to have her gallbladder removed shortly after I was born (she was about my age), and I'm a little concerned that the same will happen with me. At least the gallbladder is not a necessary organ. I've already had my appendix removed...why not take my gallbladder? Heck, go ahead and get those tonsils while you're at it! Anyway. I guess we'll see what the doc says tomorrow. I just hope to make it through the night without another attack.

Gotta run for now...I'm meeting Chris at the Waffle House for lunch! YUM! (Yes, I know...greasy food! But I WANT it!) Then I'm off to do some grocery shopping. Gotta get a turkey! :)

Blogger lorem ipsum had this to say:

Good job! I had my carpets cleaned last week, so a light vacuuming was the biggest part. (Well, that and keeping my husband from using the guest bathroom once I cleaned it.)


Blogger laura had this to say:

mmmm...waffle house! best thing after a night of drinking - a waffle house sausage and cheese on rye with mustard sandwich. and then once you sober up a little, split a pecan waffle with the one you love (or the one you're with).

not that you'd be going drinking today - i just got caught up in a wave of nostalgia.

hope lunch was everything you dreamed, and that the doctor can take care of that pain for you.


Blogger Jillian had this to say:

I had S a week early by section due to a gall bladder infection which was caused by her constantly kicking it. I was told at the hospital that the most common time for it to happen is around the 24 weeks mark and they can quite safely do surgery at that point.

Mine started at 37 weeks so I waited it out. As soon as the baby was out the pain went and the antibiotics kicked in and all is well now and I still have my gall bladder.

Sorry for the novel, but the point is it is actually quite common but excruciatingly painful too. I'm sorry:( I KNOW it hurts - I thought it was labour!


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Keeping the Faith

This is me, sharing my journey through struggling to conceive, surviving miscarriage, and, finally, receiving the greatest blessing ever...the gift of a healthy, beautiful little boy.

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Location: Smalltown, Georgia, United States

I'm a Christian. My husband is my very best friend. After much turmoil, including two miscarriages, our family is now complete with our handsome son and beautiful daughter!


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