Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Sigh...Thanks so much for the support, girls. You are all so incredible. I've been thinking about all this craziness almost non-stop but I've finally decided its going to be OK and if I do have issues, the doctors will take care of me. Heck, if I get to go for more frequent ultrasounds and check-ups, fine with me. I could stand a little hand-holding and pampering. :)

Ways I'm coping:
GD - I read that about 1/3 of all women who fail the 1-hr test will pass the 3-hr test, so I'm hoping I'm among them. I go for the test on Monday morning, so wish me luck. My principal told me to take the whole day off. He was kinda scared to think about a fasting pregnant woman walking around the school, snapping at kids. :)
Blood pressure - I've had my BP checked once since my appt and it was OK, so I'm hoping Wed.'s high reading was due to my being stressed because my parents had just arrived and were there to hear the h/b. Plus I'd had a gallbladder attack the night before, so that might be a reason...
Gall stones - I've been watching my diet since I found out and haven't had an attack in a week (knock on wood), so hopefully diet and exercise will keep my gallbladder under control until after Andrew gets here (on his own timetable!). If they have to operate, fine. If they induce early, fine. If they can wait, great.

Until I find out more, I'm just going to take it easy and, as needed, rely on you girls to keep me sane. I'm going to enjoy Andrew's pokes and kicks that seem to grow stronger by the day and just pray my heart out for this little one. I'm going to hold onto my faith and the truth that God loves me and Andrew. That's all I really need to know right now, anyway.

Blogger laura had this to say:

such a healthy attitude certainly won't hurt your blood pressure! good for you, and hang in there!


Blogger Jillian had this to say:

Well I am the poster child for anxiety = high blood pressure. So trusting in the doctors and God will take an awful lot of worry off your shoulders which can only be a good thing:)


Blogger Amber had this to say:

I love your attitude! That's exactly what I'm doing... putting it all in God's hands and trusting in His perfect timing. You will delivery Andrew with no complications, and one of these days, I'll deliver a healthy baby as well! Remember, God knows best and wants to take care of us!


Blogger JoyFilled had this to say:

Hey Anna, I'm sure you'll do fine with the 3-hour GTT. Some doctors don't even do the 1-hour because of the high rate of women who fail it but go on to pass the 3-hour! It's much more accurate and I'm sure you'll pass with flying colors!!


Blogger Catherine had this to say:

I'm sorry I haven't commented sooner.

First...if you have GD, it's no big deal. It's completely treatable and you'll be fine. Yeah, it's a pain in the butt, but you can deal with it. You're a tough cookie and you can manage it.

The gall bladder. I have a friend who had gall stones during her pregnancy. She waited. She had some bad attacks, but she managed. Again, you're tough and with the doctor's help, you'll do whatever you have to do.

The high blood pressure...if you promise to keep an eye on it, then I won't worry at all. Try some relaxation exercises...maybe some yoga?



Blogger Anna had this to say:

Thanks, girls! You all sure know how to talk a girl down and make her feel loved! :) I appreciate your wise words so much!!


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Keeping the Faith

This is me, sharing my journey through struggling to conceive, surviving miscarriage, and, finally, receiving the greatest blessing ever...the gift of a healthy, beautiful little boy.

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Location: Smalltown, Georgia, United States

I'm a Christian. My husband is my very best friend. After much turmoil, including two miscarriages, our family is now complete with our handsome son and beautiful daughter!

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