For some happier news, my blood pressure is totally normal now! I even got the "great BP!" comment again! Whew! That's a relief. Also, we went to see Chronicles of Narnia tonight. I LOVED IT. I had never read the book or seen the cartoon or anything, so I had no real expectations, and I was wowed. Chris was a little disappointed...For some reason he was thinking it would be like Lord of the Rings, which it most certainly NOT. Anyway, I loved it and definitely want to watch it again. :)
OK, I'm off to eat a sandwich and then take a bath, then I'm going to bed. Hopefully not to be awoken by such pain this time. Cross your fingers!
- Anna had this to say:
I'm so sorry about all the pain and the GD! Thankfully your blood pressure is okay! Hang in there and feel better!
- lorem ipsum had this to say:
And here I was feeling so sorry for you - you ate bad fried food! But all kidding aside, you paid up. Now don't do it again. :-)
Hope you're feeling better.- Anna had this to say:
Thanks, Anna! :)
Yeah, Eve, you're right. I cheated so I guess I deserved it. Holy cow, the sight of anything fried almost makes me sick! So not worth the pain...- had this to say: the worst time of year to avoid good tasting food, too! I hope this all goes fast for you and you can return to normal quickly!