So, here's what's new:
* Andrew started walking (finally) at @ 14.5 months. Stood up one day (May 4, 2007) and took 10 steps across the room. Hasn't crawled since and is trying to run. he's down to one nap a day and needs constant attention, since he like to climb everything now and his favorite activity is to chase the cats and dog. *sigh* My life is BUSY, but I am so thankful I have this little boy in my life.
* August 1 (Baby B's should-be-due date) looms ahead and I struggle daily (sometimes MANY times daily) to keep my composure. I cry a lot and take out my frustrations on my hubby a LOT. Its a wonder I'm still married. I just can't seem to get past my pain lately.
* Speaking of still being married, our 5-year anniversary is next Friday the 22nd). I can't believe we've been married FIVE YEARS. That just seems weird to me.
* I got a part-time teaching job for next fall. This is a WONDERFUL thing. I will get benefits and will work every other day. (M-W-F one week, T-Th the next, and so on.) I am so excited about affordable insurance that includes maternity, should we decide to tempt fate and TTC sometime soon. I have serious baby fever.
* Andrew got his first haircut yesterday. I was kinda sad. Now he looks more like a little boy and less like a baby. Where did my newborn go?!?!
So what's new with you?
- had this to say:
Hey Anna! So glad to hear from you! I am sorry that it's been rough lately for you.
Nothing is new here. Except for more wallpaper removal and other forms of going broke here in our new house.
(((hugs)))- JoyFilled had this to say:
Yay! A post from Anna! I'm guilty of having read the ambulance post about 10 times. LOL Praying for you as your EDD approaches. I can't say I know the pain, but I can sorta relate, and I have a "rough" date around that same time.
Hope you guys have a great anniversary!! Congrats on 5 years!