- Sweet Coalminer had this to say:
I'm with you; no pill no condoms. We've tried the foam, and it's ok. I'd like to try the spermicide sheets, too, because you can put those in up to 3 hours before.
Hope this helps. I couldn't do an IUD because my yoot is not perfect..- had this to say:
Hmmm...we're just using condoms until Matt gets the "all clear" from his vasectomy. I like them because they are neat and tidy, but beyond that, they suck. Not sure what else to recommend...although there's the Nuvaring, a ring that you stick in your hoo ha and it has hormones like the pill, but you don't have to remember to take it every day. I think it stays in for a few weeks? Hope this helps.
- Roxanne had this to say:
I have the Mirena IUD. I don't know how you feel about the IUD (cause I know you are a mite religious) :)...but Mirena works with progesterone so it's not like the nonhormonal IUD. I got mine 8 weeks pp and so far I like it. I had spotting up until maybe a week ago, but that's been the only negative (other than that it's expensive). It's good for up to 5 years, but maybe is overkill if you want to try again soon. I figure mine pays for itself in about a year when you think about how much bcps cost (plus I hate bcps).
- JoyFilled had this to say:
I feel the same way about birth control Anna. Have you considered a diaphragm? That's what I'm considering, since it's non-hormonal (won't mess with my cycles, which is the very thing I want/need after TTC this one) and I only have to use it when I want to. I didn't plan on using ANYTHING at all and TTC again right away, but with all that's happened lately after the baby came (we moved, I got sick, DH was sick, etc) I'm feeling more like waiting a couple months before trying again, so I've got to look at my options, too...
- lorem ipsum had this to say:
I love my diaphragm, although they're kind of hard to come by. (I've been waiting for my backordered replacement since August.) There's something similar now.. a cervical cap, I think. I will never use the Pill again (unless Dr. H says so, for some other reason).