Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Update from the Doctors...

Andrew's appointment:
8 pounds (!!! Are they supposed to gain 2.5 lbs in the first month??), still 19 inches long...Is he destined to be short like me? I'm only 4'10". I really hope he's tall...Its so hard on boys to be short. (I know, I'm probably worrying for no good reason.) The pediatrician we've been seeing is 26 weeks pregnant and her cervix has started to thin out, so she is on bedrest. I had to be squeezed in with one of the other doctors and I did NOT like her. She made me feel really rushed and like I couldn't ask all the things I wanted to. Things like, is it normal for Andrew to have projectile spit up from 1-5 am the past three nights??? Why doesn't it happen during the day? (He spits up, but not as forcefully as he does at night...) What am I doing wrong? Do I need to change formulas? Also, he's sneezing a lot and seems congested. The doc said its normal for them to sneeze a lot and didn't check him out. I am SUCH a wuss. I wish I had demanded that she check him out for reflux or other problems, just in case. (He doesn't have any of the other symptoms of reflux, just the projectile spitup.) Anyway...I called today and they gave me some tips and if they don't help I will call tomorrow and take him in.

My postpartum checkup:
All is well. Got the all-clear to have sex...though Dr. E said she would back me up if I wanted to tell Chris he had to wait two more weeks. :) I told her there's no need to fib...I'd be honest with him and if it was too painful we'd wait and try again later. I just know Chris has been feeling very deprived lately, and I'm ready to get back to normal (whatever that is...). I talked to Dr. E about my concerns about birth control. She told me about the Mirena IUD, which she has (and I thought about you, Roxanne)...I decided we really don't want to wait 5 yrs or anything, and I wasn't sure about how it worked, so that was out. I asked about the Patch, since that's what I was on for two years before TTC, and she said my LPD was not caused by or affected by the Patch, so I decided to just go with that again. I guess we'll see how it all turns out. I hope I made the right decision...

Still no word on the house. Waiting for the real estate agent to call back. Apparently they got two bids on it, so we're waiting to see if they take ours or not. I'm stressed. And REALLY tired. Did I mention that Andrew was up from 1-5 am spitting up and crying? And Chris was away last night. I really, really, really need a nap. As soon as Chris gets home I am taking a bath and a nap!

Blogger laura had this to say:

i think spitting up is more common at night because immature digestive systems are helped by gravity...and being horizontal counteracts the effect of gravity. my sister did the pillow under one end of the mattress thing, and that helped some, but he did best when he slept in his carseat until his system caught up with his age.


Blogger Sweet Coalminer had this to say:

You poor thing. I hope you get a nap today!

I agree with Laura. Do you have a baby papasan? We loved ours for Mimi's sleeping when she didn't feel good. We just set it in the bassinett.

If that doesn't work, can you try a different formula? It sucks to have to deal with so much right now.


Blogger Roxanne had this to say:

If you do think it's reflux, you could call and ask the doc to prescribe some Zantac. I don't think it would hurt if it wasn't reflux that was bothering him.

You don't have to leave the Mirena in for 5 years. It's just good for UP to 5 years. But I know that some people feel that the IUD is an early abortificant. However, unlike the nonhormonal Paraguard, the Mirena also contains a small amount of levonorgestrel, which is the same hormone in the minipill (bcp). It's a smaller amount.

And that was my daily lesson on the IUD. :)

...But the patch is okay too.


Blogger JoyFilled had this to say:

We're kinda in the same boat with a ped..except ours WAS 26 weeks pregnant and admitted due to pre-e, but she just delivered her baby 2 weeks ago at 1 lb 1oz...please pray for her!!

Also, Ivey went through a spitting up at night stage, too. Her issue was that she was eating too much. I just started watching how long she eats and burp her about every 5-10 minutes and she hasn't done it since! (which is nice after going through 2 weeks of her vomitting every night!!) Also, my FIL was telling me how their immature digestive systems simply cause them to do that every now and then...and sometimes it also happens if they need to clear any mucus out of their lungs.


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Keeping the Faith

This is me, sharing my journey through struggling to conceive, surviving miscarriage, and, finally, receiving the greatest blessing ever...the gift of a healthy, beautiful little boy.

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Location: Smalltown, Georgia, United States

I'm a Christian. My husband is my very best friend. After much turmoil, including two miscarriages, our family is now complete with our handsome son and beautiful daughter!


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