Now we just have to close, then get in there and clean up, paint, and move in! :) I'm so happy!
I rescheduled my gallbladder surgery for tomorrow! Wish me luck! My mom is coming to help with Andrew since I'm not sure what kind of restrictions there might be regarding picking him up a lot or whatever. Plus, I'm sure I'll be a little out of it with the pain meds, so Chris will be happy to have some help. :)
Gotta run...the prince is beckoning!
- had this to say:
What a beautiful house! Best of luck with your surgery. I had it done in 2004 and after a week I was back to my old self, minus gall-bladder attacks! Praying for you and wishing you a speedy recovery!
- lorem ipsum had this to say:
What an adorable house! Many happy years! (And without that troublesome gallbladder, too.)
- Jillian had this to say:
Good luck with the surgery and what a lovely, lovely house! I would love a place that looked as, well, *homely* I suppose:)