Monday, January 30, 2006
Happy Happy Joy Joy!
Yay! The NST went GREAT! Things look good and I've gained three pounds! Normally I would NOT be happy about gaining weight, but if it means Andrew is getting a little bit of it, then I'm pleased. :) Chris finally got to see lots of movement, which was cool. Andrew had hiccups, which was funny to see on the printout. I was hooked up for about 45 minutes, so by the time it was over Chris was bored* and my back was hurting. Next time I'm taking a pillow. They had the contraction monitor hooked up as well, but of course it was flatlined. Nothing going on there. Sigh. Oh well. Too early anyway, so that's OK. :)I go back next Monday for another NST and then on Wed. I go back to the high risk doc. I'm just hoping he says Andrew is looking chubbier and I can keep working. I'd love to stay home, but lying on my left side all day would get old FAST for me. Now if I could stay home from work but still do all the things I need to do, then that'd be another story...I'd be begging for him to take me off the job! But we need the money and its a good distraction for me. Makes the time go faster. :)
Anyway, just wanted to share the good report!
*ETA: I shouldn't say "Chris was bored." That sounds really bad. He was thrilled to hear the h/b, as always, and see my belly jump and jiggle with Andrew's hiccups. (The look on his face was priceless!) We were both just happy to see that things were looking good!
Sunday, January 29, 2006
NST question
OK, for those of you who've been there done that, can Chris go with me to the NST tomorrow or would he be bored out of his mind? Do you have to be quiet to listen for heartrate changes or is it good to have someone to talk to while you're sitting there? Inquiring minds want to know! THANKS!
Friday, January 27, 2006
Don't tell Chris I'm up out of bed! :) Just kidding.I'm trying to rest, I promise...Its just that we have ONE MORE basketball game before cheerleading ends and I just can't let down the girls at this point. Plus, school has been crazy so its been really difficult to stay seated in the classroom. I'm trying to get everything settled at school just in case they DO put me on bedrest, and I'm afraid that, with all this craziness and running around, they'll do it. At least I'm already 34 weeks along, so if they do it, it won't be for too terribly long. Hey, a day or two of bedrest might be just great! But a few weeks...I think I'd go crazy. I'm not the best housekeeper, but I have my certain way of doing things, and it's going to be hard for me to give up that little bit of "control" or whatever it is that I'm feeling. I mean, Chris loads the dishwasher and the dishes get clean. That's all that matters. It doesn't matter that its not loaded exactly the way I do it, right? Sigh. I guess this is God's way of telling me to get used to being out of the driver's seat. Nothing will ever go exactly how you planned it so learn to be flexible!
That's all for now, I guess...Life is pretty boring. Get up, go to work, come home, lie down. Repeat. Monday is the first of my weekly NST's and biophysical profiles. Hoping for good news and maybe a fatter baby! :) Thanks so much for the happy thoughts and good vibes you've been sending my way!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Thank you SO much for the prayers and encouragement yesterday. Its so hard not to get freaked out. I was researching IUGR and man, that stuff is scary! Fortunately, my appt today went REALLY well and they ruled out all the major complications. It looks like everything is measuring OK except Andrew's abdomen. He's about 10 days behind, and they think its because of my strict diet due to the GD and g/b issues. They're increasing my caloric intake and I'm supposed to go on modified bedrest. Basically, I can go to work, but as soon as I get home I have to lie down on my left side and REST. I can't do all the running around at school that I'm used to. I have to sit as much as possible and make the kids come to me. I can't do any housework or errands. (Chris says he wishes someone would tell HIM he had to eat more and do less! Haha!) They're hoping the increase in calories and decrease in activity will help Andrew gain some weight. I go back in two weeks and if he's still measuring 10 days behind or MORE, then I have to go on total bedrest. That might be OK for a day or so, but not for 4-5 weeks. I'm hoping he fattens up quickly.Anyway, it seems all is well and things are definitely not as bad as they could be. He's got a big ol' head (measuring 35 weeks!) but we think that's just genetic. Everyone in Chris' family has a big head. Bad news for me, just fine for Andrew. Big sigh of relief here...Again, thanks so much for the encouragement. You girls are the greatest. I hope everyone is well...Chris is bugging me to get off the computer and go lie down so I'd better go.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
More Drama
Well, girls...Just seems I can't get through a week without some drama. I woke up this morning to some significant spotting, so I called Dr. E and she wanted to see me immediately. I went in and, though I had stopped spotting, she ran all kinds of tests and things are good, cervix-wise. Closed up tight, long and high, etc. No contractions at all. She did an ultrasound to check my placenta and things look good there, but Andrew is measuring three weeks too small (30w3d). She's sending me to a high-risk perinatologist in the morning (10 am appt) to rule out intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and other possible complications, and basically make sure he's still doing well. Something interesting she said: Women who are true diabetics (diabetes before pregnancy) tend to have smaller babies, so it may be that I had diabetes before and didn't know it! Also, another reason for the small size may be that I'm only 4'10" and just don't have a lot of room for him to grow! He might just be short like his momma. Could be that my strict diet (due to the gall stones and GD) is not getting him enough calories. Who knows? Dr. E just wants to be sure, and we'd all rather be safe than sorry. I'm just hoping for good news tomorrow.On a positive note, Andrew's heartbeat was strong and steady, and he's still head down and moving a lot. She just wants to stay on the safe side and check it out. I'm trying to just relax and not worry, but that's really hard for me. She said they'd monitor me twice a week now (doing both non-stress tests and biophysical profiles) instead of once a week and at the first sign of any distress, they'd discuss options (bedrest, early delivery, etc.). I feel like I'm in very good hands...I'd just appreciate some prayers for my little guy. BTW, I think this is totally a God thing...I went in for spotting, and instead found this issue which is completely unrelated to the spotting! We probably would have never known about his lack of growth if I hadn't spotted. Weird.
Anyway, I'll keep y'all posted and let you know what the peri says when I get back from my appt. tomorrow. Sigh. I just wish I could relax and have a boring, uneventful pregnancy.
Friday, January 20, 2006
Big changes are a-comin'!
We had our final interview with the church last night! It went GREAT and we got the official word today that it's a go!! We're so excited but a bit overwhelmed to finally be offically planning for a new job & new home in a new city, and all with a new baby!! Talk about change! Oh well, its all good.I had a horrible gallbladder attack last night that started @ 4 am so I took a pain pill and stayed home today. I slept ALL day (seriously, I have been awake for about 4 hours all day long) and I am still feeling really woozy from the pain pill, so I'm not gonna even try to type any more...I will write more tomorrow when (hopefully) I'm more coherent!
Monday, January 16, 2006
32 Weeks
Just got back from my 32-week appointment at the OB's...Yes, I still have the head cold from h*ll but its moving south now into my chest. Great. At least I can take Robitussin. That seems to help a little bit.OB appt went really well! His little heartrate was in the 140's. Next appointment will be on the 30th. I'll be 34 weeks and will start my weekly non-stress tests at that point. Dr. E said I'd be strapped to the machine for about 30 minutes or so. I asked about the risk of early induction or c-section and she didn't seem to think my risk was extraordinarily increased, but said that having GD does make it a little higher than the average woman. Did you know that GD babies tend to have more fat around their shoulders which can make vaginal delivery difficult and lead to a c-section? I didn't!
Dr. E said the rate of c-sections among their patients was only about 15%, which is well below the national average of @25%. I was impressed and hopeful that I might not need major surgery to get th is baby out. But hey, whatever it takes to get Andrew here healthy and happy! I really don't want to tear myself in half down there...I'd much rather have a pleasant c-section experience than a horrific vaginal delivery experience.
I haven't gained a single pound since my last visit, so I am still only one pound above my pre-pregnancy weight. CRAZY. I really need to take a belly pic so people can see how huge I am and understand how insane I think it is that I've only gained one pound.
Well, I'm off to fix dinner, which will be difficult since all this sinus drainage is making my appetite pretty much disappear. But, a girl's gotta eat...Later, we'll be watching 24 (a major obsession here at our house!). I can't wait!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Ugh...bad cold here. I've spent most of the day in bed with Vicks Vapor Rub all over my chest and upper lip. One side of my nose is running constantly while the other side is stopped up. What's that about? I'm sitting here with tissue crammed up one nostril, trying to stop the drip. VERY attractive, Chris says. He's taking very good care of me though. So sweet. I've had two hot (but not too hot) baths today hoping the steam would open up my nostrils. I took a Claritin then wayyyy later took some Tylenol Allergy & Sinus. No huge improvement. Yuck. I guess I'll spend a third night in a row sleeping sitting up to ease the heartburn and congestion with which I'm being assaulted. Fun. Anyway, just wanted to say I am alive out here...barely. I will be back when I can breathe again. Thank God Monday is a holiday.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Sorry I've been MIA lately...I guess the trip got to me more than I thought it did. I've been nauseous every morning (Yes, still dealing with morning sickness. Fun.) and I'm SOOOO tired. Seriously, I think I could go to sleep at 4 pm every day and sleep straight through until morning. I'm tons of fun.To Lola...I ended up deleting my other blog because I was getting slammed too much by random people who just wanted to attack my faith and nothing more. Ask me anything and I will address it here to the best of my ability (if you want to, of course...).
Some ramblings:
My belly is HUGE. I feel like Andrew is going to bust right through with all these intensely strong kicks he gives me. But, yes, I love it.
I go back to the doctor on Monday and then two weeks later, I start the NST's. I can't believe I'm that close to the end. Please God, let it last and please let everything be OK.
I had my second baby dream of the whole pregnancy. I dreamed they had to induce labor and there were complications so I had to have a c-section. I don't remember any of it except leaving the hospital. We didn't have any socks for Andrew so we stopped at Target because it was a Monday and Mondays are when the baby stuff goes on sale. Yeah, I'm a freak.
Every day is like a year. I seriously struggle to make it through each and every day at school. I'm counting down the days until my maternity leave (8 weeks 2 days - I'm done with school March 10 and due March 11 - so I have a while unless I happen to have to go on bedrest or need to deliver earlier). Everyone says the days will just fly by now that I'm near the end. They're liars.
OK, it's 5:00 pm here...Can I go to bed now?
Sunday, January 08, 2006
We're Baaaaack!
Just got home from the mountains and SO happy to be home!! I do NOT sleep well when I'm not in my own bed, so I'm really looking forward to a hot bath and a good night's sleep for once! School starts back tomorrow (BOO!) so I really need to sleep well. I go to the diabetes clinic again tomorrow as well, and I'm hoping my blood sugar test results are good enough that I don't get scolded too much. :)Now for the good news! Chris got the call that the church was very happy with him and he got the job! He's got one final interview (should be scheduled to be done sometime in the next couple of weeks), which I think is basically just a formality, but we're in!! We're so excited...Now we have SO much to think about! Putting the house on the market, buying a new home, moving, resigning from my job (But when? I don't want to risk losing any maternity leave benefits!)...All with a new baby (hopefully...)!! Oh well, our whole marriage has been like this - lots of change. What else is new? :)
All in all, a really fun and happy weekend here...Now I'm off to check blogs and then I'm off to dreamland! :)
Thursday, January 05, 2006
First Baby Shower and Other Ramblings
First of all...THANKS, Laura, for informing me about the NST's! I feel better about it now! :)The teachers at school gave me a baby shower first one! I got lots of cute baby clothes, blankets, bath stuff, and diapers! I had a little freak-out the other night because we didn't have any diapers. (I know...preggo hormones make you crazy!) Anyway, we got lots of cute stuff and I'm so excited. It seems more "real" now that we have more baby stuff. Whoa. We might just be bringing home a baby in 9 weeks! Crazy!
I was really bad about my eating today and ate a piece of my baby shower cake. It was from Publix, and if anyone knows Publix cake, you know its INCREDIBLE. I don't know what they do, but they make the BEST cake in the world. I couldn't resist. I was almost scared to test my blood sugar, but did it anyway. It was only 111! (Anything less than 120 is good.) I was shocked, but really happy!
Tomorrow we have another teacher work day. I'm leaving at lunchtime because Chris' family is all meeting in Gatlinburg, TN for the weekend. His mom and stepdad got a big cabin in the mountains and it should be a great time...Our last trip before life changes forever. We're also expecting some big news tomorrow. Hopefully we'll get good news about the church position and can start planning to move away from here!
In case I never shared about this church thing, here goes. (Its a long story but I'll try to make it as short as I can.) Chris used to be a youth minister but was forced out in Sept 2004 by a powerful minority who basically just wanted the control back. Since then, we've been praying about church planting (starting a brand-new church). Chris' first youth minister (his name is Ken) is now the pastor at a HUGE church that he started that's about 6,000 members strong, but who regularly starts brand-new churches across GA. They had a church in McDonough that had basically disintegrated when the pastor up and left them (down to about 15-20 members) and was wanting to re-start. Ken asked Chris if he was interested, and over the past few months we've been exploring this possibility. On New Year's Day he preached at this huge church and the group from McDonough came to hear Chris. We'd met with them several times before and personality-wise, its PERFECT. These people are AWESOME. Hearing Chris preach was basically the last step in the process. We hope to hear tomorrow that they liked him and are wanting him to come and work with them to re-launch this church. Fingers crossed!! Of course, if we get this position, it means we have to move to McDonough (@2 hrs away) and I have to leave my job at my amazing, wonderful school. :(
[P.S. The big bonus in this whole thing is that, normally, a church planter has to raise his own financial support or have an outside job, BUT the big church has planned to pay his salary! AND...its enough that I could actually be a SAHM, which is my one biggest desire as a mom-to-be. I already love this baby so much...I can't imagine leaving him with strangers, especially since I'll be in a brand new town and know NO ONE, not even anyone to ask for daycare or nanny references.]
I guess that's all for now...I probably won't get a chance to post again before leaving for the mountains, so I hope the weekend goes well for all! I want to return to nothing but EXCELLENT news, ok? :)
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Warning! Baby News...
I had my 30-week appointment today! Dr. E was out of town so I saw Dr. H (He is quite wonderful, so it was no big deal to me...I told him Dr. E had better keep her butt in town during late-Feb/early March, but if he delivers that'll be fine with me, too). Basically, everything looks terrific and Andrew's heartbeat is strong and steady. My blood pressure was "excellent" they said. :) I told Dr. H about my freak-out on Christmas Eve regarding Andrew's movement and those two days when he was kinda quiet. He asked if I'd done kick counts and I said yes...I got 10 good kicks in 20 minutes. He said that was great and things can indeed change due to baby's position, size, and mood. He's human too, after all, and has his up and down days just like we do. He said to call anytime I felt real concern, especially if I couldn't get 10 movements in an hour. I feel much better about that. He asked if my blood sugar was doing OK and I said yes, except when I cheat, of course. He said he couldn't blame was the holidays, after all.
I got my doctor's letter for my maternity leave request. (Does anyone else have to have doctor's letters stating that we need at least six weeks' leave postpartum? Seems crazy to me!) I asked him if he couldn't lie and say I need bedrest and just can't possibly work the rest of the year, but he just laughed and said no. Oh well. I tried.
He measured my belly and I'm measuring 31 weeks...right on target. He said that, starting at 34 weeks, they would start monitoring me more closely and doing non-stress tests to keep an eye on Andrew's size, heartrate, movement, etc. I guess at 34 weeks they start really gaining lots of weight and that's when they can become too big or possibly develop problems when the mom has GD. He said that if any issue appeared we would discuss early induction or possible C-section, but if we can wait and let him come on his own we'll do just that.
Overall, a wonderfully boring visit. I go back in 2 weeks (I'll get to see Dr. E this time!), and the next visit after that will be the first non-stress test! If anyone can tell me what that's like (I know several of you have gone through these), please share!
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
New Year's Resolutions, anyone?
Your New Year's Resolutions |
![]() 2) Eat more pie 3) Travel to Argentina 4) Study marine biology 5) Get in shape with Dance Dance Revolution |
Hehe...I always wanted a pony when I was growing up! I was just thinking about that the other day...about how I'd beg and beg every year for a pony and I never understood why I couldn't have one. I'd love to eat pie, but that would definitely screw with my blood sugar. Never been to South America, but that'd be cool. I love the ocean, so marine biology works for me. Dancing would be quite awkward at this point, so maybe I'll pass on #5...
Happy Pills
Yesterday, Andrew spent the majority of the day kicking me up by my ribs. I blame this for the gallbladder attack I almost had last night. I say "almost" because of the blessed happy pills the surgeon prescribed. I did my thing, hoping to stop the attack early (drink something with caffeine, take a hot bath), but when that appeared not to be working, I broke down and took one of the pain pills. Hallelujah! No more than 5 minutes later I was pain-free and feeling very goofy. Chris was laughing at me because I could barely put together a coherent sentence. I guess now he knows what I would be like if I ever got drunk. (We don't drink, so this is as close as it gets.) I was asleep by 9:30 and didn't wake up 'til nearly 10 am today (and only because Andrew was once again kicking like crazy). Nice. I heart my surgeon for giving me these glorious, wonderful pills.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Goodbye Christmas...
Well, today is the day we take down all the Christmas decorations. I'm kinda sad but also kinda excited, because this is (hopefully) the last holiday we'll have alone together. Next year it'll be all about the baby (God willing) and we'll be covered up in family members who used to care about us but now only care about the baby. Its already started, actually. Most of our gifts this year were baby things or gift cards for baby stuff...When my mom arrived at my house this year she said hello to my belly first, then to my face. Nice. Oh well, its worth it and I totally understand it. Anyway, today we'll be packing up the ornaments and tree, along with our very minimal Christmas decorations around the house (we don't have many since every year before, we've traveled for Christmas and haven't seen the use in it), and prepare for life as normal...whatever "normal" is. I have my next OB appt on Wednesday (yay!). I think I'm going to ask how soon we can get this baby out. :) I am SO impatient!
I go back to school this week, which sucks. Thursday and Friday are teacher work days, so at least there's not going to be any kids there. Monday, the insanity begins all over...and only intensifies because state testing is in April and there is SO MUCH PRESSURE in our school to perform well on those stupid tests. From now until maternity leave, I'll be sweating it out, praying the kids are learning something, which they probably aren't because they don't care! Anyway.
Things went REALLY well yesterday with the church and we're hoping to hear something on Friday. We're so anxious to know for sure, but have lots to keep us busy until then, so it's OK. I'm really excited about the changes that are coming and hopeful that 2006 will indeed be the year of exciting new changes for the Irvin household. :)
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Happy New Year!
Today is a brand new beginning. I love New Year's Day. It might just be my favorite holiday. Its like a giant promise...I hope this ends up being one of the best years of our lives. 2004 was the worst year of our lives (miscarriage, Chris being forced out of our church, etc), but 2005 wasn't so hot either. Last night we were talking and decided the best thing to come out of 2005 was this baby. Getting pregnant with Andrew was definitely the highlight of my year, especially after the LONG year trying to get and stay pregnant before. The worst thing to come out of 2005 was probably Chris' brother's affair while serving in Afghanistan. It really hurt the whole family, but at the same time, made Chris and me cling to each other even harder. Chris' lack of a job was hard on us, but in September he got a temporary job which helped a lot, financially. That job ended with the arrival of Christmas, however, so we're back to praying for a job again in 2006. Today, we visit a church we love and hope to serve with as pastor. (If any of you are the praying type, please pray all goes well this morning!) We're hoping 2006 is the year of big changes and big fun. We hope to move away from this podunk town and begin serving at this new church, but most of all we hope for the biggest & best life-changing event ever...a new baby's arrival and the completion of our family. We hope 2006 leaves us changed a very good way. :) I hope this for all of you, too.